2024 Abundance Summit

2024 Abundance Summit

2 Seasons

Iconic faculty and rising luminaries reveal the latest in AI, other Exponential Technologies, Longevity, and Moonshot Thinking. March 18-20, 2024 in Los Angeles, CA.

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2024 Abundance Summit
  • Welcome to Year 12

    Episode 1

    Peter H. Diamandis, MD
    Curator, Abundance Summit
    Welcome & Opening

  • Elon Musk

    Episode 2

    Elon Musk at the 2024 Abundance Summit. Recorded March 19, 2024.

  • Michael Saylor

    Episode 3

    Michael Saylor
    Executive Chairman, MicroStrategy
    Future of Bitcoin & Bitcoin Applications

  • Intro to Exponentials

    Episode 4

    Salim Ismail
    Founder & Chairman, OpenExo
    Founding Executive Director, Singularity University

    Kyle Nel
    Co-Founder & CEO, Net Negative
    Founding Director, Singularity Labs

    Intro to Exponentials

  • Nat Friedman + Emad Mostaque

    Episode 5

    Nat Friedman
    Entrepreneur & Investor; Former CEO, GitHub

    Emad Mostaque
    Founder, Stability AI

    The AI Landscape: Last Year & Years Ahead

  • Tristan Harris + Aza Raskin

    Episode 6

    Tristan Harris
    Co-Founder, Center for Humane Technology

    Aza Raskin
    Co-Founder, Center for Humane Technology

    Why Care & Caution are Critical

  • Ray Kurzweil

    Episode 7

    Ray Kurzweil
    Author, Inventor & Futurist
    Predicting the Future

  • Ray Kurzweil + Geoffrey Hinton

    Episode 8

    Ray Kurzweil
    Author, Inventor & Futurist

    Geoffrey Hinton, Phd
    Emeritus Prof., Univ. of Toronto

    A Discussion with the Godfathers of AI

  • Mo Gawdat

    Episode 9

    Mo Gawdat
    Former Chief Business Officer, Google X
    Scary/Smart: Where We Go From Here

  • AI Panel Q&A

    Episode 10

    Emad Mostaque
    Founder, Stability AI

    Tristan Harris
    Co-Founder, Center for Humane Technology

    Mo Gawdat
    Former Chief Business Officer, Google X
    Scary/Smart: Where We Go From Here

    Ray Kurzweil
    Author, Inventor & Futurist

    AI Panel Q&A

  • Taryn Southern

    Episode 11

    Taryn Southern
    Award Winning Storyteller, Strategist, Artist
    AI Film Challenge

  • Dave Blundin + Liquid AI

    Episode 12

    Dave Blundin
    Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Link Ventures

    Ramin Hasani, PhD
    Co-Founder & CEO, Liquid AI

    Alexander Amini, PhD
    Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Liquid AI

    The Future of Neural Networks

  • Guillaume Verdon

    Episode 13

    Guillaume Verdon, PhD
    Founder & CEO, Extropic AI
    The Argument for Techno-Optimism

  • AI Panel Q&A

    Episode 14

    Dave Blundin
    Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Link Ventures

    Ramin Hasani, PhD
    Co-Founder & CEO, Liquid AI

    Alexander Amini, PhD
    Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, Liquid AI

    Guillaume Verdon, PhD
    Founder & CEO, Extropic AI

    AI Panel Q&A

  • Alex Wissner-Gross

    Episode 15

    Alex Wissner-Gross, PhD
    Founder & CEO, Reified
    Coupling AIs & Humans: The Future of Humanity

  • The Great AI Debate

    Episode 16

    The Great AI Debate (Part 1)
    with Members, Faculty and AIs

  • Eric Schmidt

    Episode 17

    Eric Schmidt
    Former CEO & Chairman, Google
    A Conversation with Eric Schmidt

  • Caroline Yap

    Episode 18

    Caroline Yap
    Managing Director, Global AI Business at Google Cloud
    Google AI Cloud

  • Sekou Andrews

    Episode 19

    Sekou Andrews
    Grammy-Nominated Artist
    The Heart of the Future

  • Invisible Technologies

    Episode 20

    Francis Pedraza
    Chair, Invisible

    Ben Plummer
    CEO, Invisible

    Applied AI: A Practical Approach to Harnessing the Power of AI for Your Business

  • Steve Brown

    Episode 21

    Steve Brown
    Chief AI Officer, PHD Ventures, XPV
    Empathic AI & Blurring the Lines of Reality

  • AI Panel Q&A

    Episode 22

    Member Q&A with AI Faculty

    Ramin Hasani, PhD
    Co-Founder & CEO, Liquid AI

    Dave Blundin
    Founder, Managing Partner, XPV

    Steve Brown
    Chief AI Officer, PHD Ventures, XPV

    Guillaume Verdon, PhD
    Founder & CEO, Extropic AI

    Aza Raskin
    Co-Founder, Center for Humane Technology

    Emad Mostaque
    Founder, ...

  • 6 D’s Thinking Tool

    Episode 23

    Peter H. Diamandis, MD
    Curator, Abundance Summit
    6 D’s Thinking Tool

  • Jason Ballard

    Episode 24

    Jason Ballard
    Co-Founder & CEO, ICON
    Robotic Construction & the Future of Building