MTPs and Moonshots

MTPs and Moonshots

3 Episodes

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MTPs and Moonshots
  • Collaborating for Greater Impact - July 2023

    Episode 1

    It's common to see success stories after the fact, but rare to highlight impact-driven collaborations in motion! This panel on the nexus of clean energy and 21st century learning presents a unique opportunity to show what some of these projects look like while they're still underway, and how some...

  • Elon Musk Discussion on Space + $100M Carbon XPRIZE

    Episode 2

  • Jason Ballard + New Tools for the Future of Construction

    Episode 3

    Imagine a giant 3D printer that exudes cement and can print an ENTIRE house here on Earth -- or a habitat on the Moon.

    That’s the concept behind ICON.

    Join Jason Ballard, founder and CEO to learn more about the technology, to discuss how it can be used, and how this may dematerialize, dem...